2025 Application
Fort Thomas Farmers Market
Rules of Operation & 2025 Application
Market Dates
Wednesdays, APril 9 - November 19, 2025
Market hours
April & May 3:00-6:00 pm
June-September 3:00-7:00 pm
October & November 3:00-6:00 pm
Welcome to the FTFM Application! We’re excited for our 2025 season. Please read through our rules and guidelines before signing your application at the end of this packet.
Vendors are reviewed each year. Although returning vendors may have priority in the application process, previous market participation in the market does not guarantee placement for our 2025 season.
Please note: The Farmers Market Board has full discretion on choosing vendors based upon our own market research. We are careful to provide balance for our customers. All applications, whether from returning or new vendors, are processed by our vendor review committee. Upon approval, new vendors will be accepted on a 4 week trial basis to ensure that our market is a good fit for their company.
All accepted vendors are required to attend our annual vendor meeting at 6:30 on April 23, 2025. This meeting takes place at the Mess Hall directly after the market closes at 6:00.
Vendors/Fee Schedule
The 2025 Fort Thomas Farmers Market is Wednesdays, April 9-December 17, 2025. There is no market November 26 because of Thanksgiving
Annual Fee $360 (April-November). This may be paid in full or broken into 2 payments of $180. The first payment is due before the market begins, and the second payment is due before August 1, 2025.
Bi-Weekly Vendor Fee $180 (April-November). Total amount due before the first market at which you will vend.
Monthly Fee $60 (3+ months). Total amount is due before the first market at which you will vend.
Weekly Fee $25 (Individual weeks). Pay as you go.
Farmer: Must grow and sell his/her own product or meat and may co-op with other farmers with market manager approval.
Third Party Seller: You do not grow or make your own product; however you sell local products grown on a farm from within a 60 mile radius. The FTFM will not allow produce/ items sold from wholesalers - the result of selling may have you removed from the market.
Producer: This category includes baked goods, canned products, pasta, juice, cheese, candles, etc. Craft and art vendors are welcome to apply to our holiday markets, December 3, 10, and 17, 2025. Applications for these markets will open in July.
Items sold will be limited to agricultural and horticultural products including ornamental and vegetable plants, fresh fruits and vegetables, meats, eggs, honey, and other value-added products such as bread, jam, juice, cheese, etc. Items must be approved by the market manager. If a vendor would like to add additional items during the season they must contact the market manager for approval.
The market manager reserves the right to inspect or spot-check any farm records, sites, or production facilities as necessary to ensure items being sold are being produced as stated.
Licensing, Permits, Insurance
Vendors must be in compliance with all local, state, and federal requirements, such as permits and licensing. This includes, but is not limited to, Fort Thomas and Campbell County Occupational Licenses, home-based processor licensing, etc. Paperwork must be submitted to the market manager before you may begin vending at the market.
All Vendors are required to have a minimum of $1,000,000 in liability insurance.
Vendors who wish to sample must follow the Sampling Certificate regulations found on the KDA website.
If vendors sell produce or other items by weight, they must have a certified legal produce scale for weighing items.
Licenses, insurance, and other documents should be emailed to ttomeo @ ftthomas.org (no spaces). Paper documents can be sent to
Farmers Market c/o The City of Fort Thomas, Fort Thomas, KY 41075.
Nutrition Incentives
FTFM Participates in USDA Food Nutrition Incentive programs, including SNAP, WIC, SFMNP, and KDD Double Dollars. Customers purchase qualifying goods with tokens and vendors are reimbursed through checks sent from the City of Fort Thomas. Please reach out with any questions about accepting these programs at the market. We’re happy to help.
Participation in these programs is voluntary for vendors, but all businesses must have clear signage indicating the currencies they accept. This signage will be provided by the market.
Space Designation and Assignment
Vendors must supply their own setup, including table, chairs, business signage, etc. Tents are optional, and require a minimum of 80lbs (20lbs per leg) of weight.
All markets are subject to the City of Fort Thomas Weather Policy. Vendors who participate in the FTFM agree to abide by this policy. Please review before signing. Policy can be found here.
Electricity is provided on a limited basis and assigned by the market committee. Vendors must bring their own 12 gauge extension cords.
All vendor requests/needs must be denoted on the application. The market manager will try to accommodate requests, however this is not guaranteed.
Timely arrival is critical for a smooth and successful day at the market. All vendors must be present at least 30 minutes before opening, and they must be set up and ready to sell by 2:45. Prompt arrival and setup ensure a smooth start to the market, and lets customers know that we are prepared to serve them. Late arrival (after 2:30) to the market will result in a verbal reminder at the first occurrence. A final reminder will be issued upon a second occurrence. Any subsequent late arrival may result in the vendor being suspended for the remainder of the season.
Once unloaded, all vendors must move their vehicle to the back Mess Hall parking lot to make room for customer parking. Exceptions are made for farmers working out of their vehicles, and are limited to manager discretion.
All vendors must stay open until the end of the market. No tearing down or leaving early unless decided differently by the market manager. Early tear down indicates to customers that our market may be closing.
All vendors will display their products neatly and attractively, with consideration for the other vendors and the general public.
Vendors are responsible for their booths, and must leave the site clean and in a condition acceptable to the market manager.
If you cannot attend the market according to your rental agreement, notice must be given by 6:00 the night before the market manager. Notice given after 6:00 will be considered a no-show, subject to a written warning. Two or more no-show markets may result in the vendor being suspended for the remainder of the season.
Space are assigned at the discretion of the market manager and are subject to change.
Appearance and Conduct/Miscellaneous
Vendors will be neat, suitably dressed, and deal with the public and fellow vendors in a courteous and appropriate manner.
Concerns should be brought to the attention of the market manager or the vendor liaison, Rose Seeger.
While families are encouraged to work together at the market, parents must maintain control of their children.
Vendors are asked on the honor system to report daily income by turning in an income slip at the following week’s market. We use this information to help us secure funding and we greatly appreciate your participation.
The FTFM is intended to provide a positive contribution to the community. Vendors are expected to exhibit a courteous, positive, honest, and helpful attitude toward fellow vendors, customers, and the FTFM management. Disagreements with other vendors, market staff, or customers must be handled respectfully. ALL CONCERNS regarding disagreements must be submitted in writing.
Failure to adhere to the principles may result in suspension or termination of the vendor’s privilege to sell at the FTFM.
Vendors who are not in compliance with the rules and regulations of the market will be issued a written warning. A second infraction of the rules will elicit a final warning and may result in vendor privileges being revoked for the remainder of the season.
Absolutely no refund of fees to vendors who are not in compliance with these rules.
Market members agree to release and hold harmless Fort Thomas Renaissance and the City of Fort Thomas from all claims related to or arising from such membership, as a condition of membership.
Market management reserves the right to prohibit anyone from selling goods or products at the Market.
Amendments to the above agreement can be made by the Market Manager at her/his discretion and as needed. Vendors will be notified of all changes in writing. Failure to abide by the above terms may result in expulsion from the FTFM, with no refund of space rental payments.
Applications submitted before February 15, 2025, will be responded to by February 28. Applications submitted after February 15 will receive a response within 10 business days.